Soccer Tips: How to Train on the Go

When You Can’t Get to the Gym

Manchester 16
When you can’t hit the gym like these guys, having a back-up workout plan really helps.
But what if you’re stuck in your room, or even on a plane. There are always things you can do to improve your game.

Sometimes, all it takes is a few tweaks in your focus to change you from an average player to an excellent one.

Here are a few ways to make your soccer training more of a priority – even when the gym and the field are miles away.

Daily Discipline: Beyond Footy Skills

If you really want to beef up your game, soccer needs to be with you all day, every day.

A well-trained player knows he can’t slap the “snooze” button on his alarm clock every day or blow off a healthy breakfast in favor of a soda.

No, to really good at what you do, you must use self-discipline in your daily routine on and off the field.

It’s not sexy, but working hard to improve your game means you give up the party to study or go to bed early the night before the big game.

Find that area of your life where you just don’t have self-control, and tackle it until you’re the boss again.

Mental Focus: It’s All in Your Head

Sometimes, the toughest challenges to overcome are in our own minds, especially in sports.

Learning to put yourself through mental exercises as well as physical ones can be your ticket to improving your game.

First, think. What simple mistakes do you repeat on the field?

Everyone has them, but those who take the time to know the “why” will overcome those problems more quickly.

Second, is there a play, a pass, a move you really want to learn? Visualize it. Take yourself mentally through each step, each shift of the play until you have it.

Third, when you’re tired, pressed for time, and just want to get away, take a moment to use your head as a jumbo tron. Close your eyes and remember the best game you ever played. Then play it again in your head.

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You’ll be surprised how relaxing and sometimes revealing this exercise can be. You may discover things about your game you would never see when you’re playing.

Remember: You Can Always Do Push-Ups

Training on the go means working on soccer when there’s no ball or turf anywhere near you.

Pick an exercise or two from the list below that you can do in your room.

Keep the list on your bulletin board, and when you need to take a break from studying – break out the moves.

Great ones for this are squats, kicks, wall-sits and quick heart-pumpers like jumping jacks, push ups and all kinds of jumps.

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